Stem Cell Research Laboratory
The Stem Cell Research Laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Mauro Krampera and belongs to the Section of Hematology headed by Prof. Mauro Krampera; it is located inside L.U.R.M. (University Laboratory for Medical Research), Policlinico Hospital G.B. Rossi (Borgo Roma) of Verona.
It is aimed at studying the biology and potential clinical application of stem cells of different origin (hematopoietic, mesenchymal, neural, cardiac, lung, and epithelial stem cells) and characterizing the biological mechanisms underlying the development of leukemia and cancer stem cells.
It includes facilities for cellular and molecular biology, tissue culture, cellular immunology, flow cytometry, cell sorting, live cell imaging, immunological assays, in vivo experiments with animal models.
It is strictly linked to:
PhD course in Stem Cell Biology and Clinical Application, belonging from 2005 to 2013 to the Graduate School in Translational Biomedicine, University of Verona, and from 2013 on to the Doctorate of Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Science, University of Verona
Authorized center for maintenance and experimental use of small-sized animals, at C.I.R.S.A.L. (Centro interdipartimentale di servizio alla ricerca sperimentale che utilizza animali da laboratorio), University of Verona
Multiplatform center for the use of cutting-edge core facilities at Centro Piattaforme Tecnologiche (C.P.T.), University of Verona
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